Music Education

Hayden McClure
"The skills that I have gained during my time as a UE music student have helped me establish a strong foundation for my future career. Our degree programs are among the best in the country! We get music education majors into the schools, music therapy students working in hands-on practicums, and performers on the stage all within their first year at UE."
Music education was the first degree offered by the University of Evansville Music Conservatory when it was founded in 1934 and remains a priority in today's curriculum. University of Evansville music education majors receive a unique combination of musical and professional training to become highly- qualified professional teachers in a variety of settings. The Bachelor of Music in Music Education degree program is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM) and Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).
- Elementary Music Specialist
- Band Director
- Choral Director
- Orchestra Director
- Private Studio Teacher
- Community Music Organizer and Director
- Earn K-12 certification to teach music in Indiana and in certain surrounding states that have reciprocal agreements with Indiana
- Are employed regionally and nationally in public and private school settings
- Earn graduate degrees in music education, performance and other fields
- Choral Music
- Instrumental Music
- General Music
- Jazz Studies Certificate
The University of Evansville Difference
Practical field experience and leadership
- Field teaching placements beginning first year and continuing each year with increased planning and teaching responsibilities (practicum, internship, and student teaching)
- Field placement in elementary, middle and high school settings
- 16-week student teaching with choice of elementary, middle or high school or a combination of two levels
- Supervision and mentoring by experienced choral and instrumental music education faculty
Extensive performance and musicianship training
- Four years of applied instrument lessons with performing faculty culminating in a solo recital senior year
- Ensemble experience each semester including orchestra, choir or wind ensemble plus additional opportunities such as wind and string chamber ensembles, opera scenes, and Aces Brass Pep Band
- Comprehensive music courses in theory, history, and world music
Music Education and Professional Education courses
- Comprehensive courses in music methods for elementary, middle, and high school general music and vocal/instrumental programs
- Classes that focus on conducting skills, piano proficiency, and using technology as a teaching tool
- Instrumental methods classes to learn to play and teach wind, brass, string, and percussion instruments
- Specialized courses for vocalists in vocal pedagogy, diction, and vocal ensemble literature
- Methods courses to learn effective teaching strategies, principles of child development and current theories in music education
Jazz Studies Certificate
- Opportunity for a 12 hour intensive program in Jazz Studies that includes theory, literature, improvisation and performance
Perspectives beyond the classroom
- Attendance at national, regional, and state music education conferences and workshops such as those of Indiana Music Educators Association (IMEA) and American Choral Directors Association (ACDA)
- Assist faculty in planning and hosting the annual IMEA Southern Indiana Music Educator’s Symposium.
- Gain additional professional education and experience through guest lectures and activities at regular meetings of the UE Collegiate Chapter of National Association for Music Education (NAfME)
- Acquire practical teaching and mentoring experience participating in UE sponsored campus events such as the Wesley Shepard Summer Music Camp and UE String Festival or counseling and teaching in area summer music programs
Committed undergraduate community
- A unique atmosphere of a small liberal arts college with recognized professional programs
- Small classes taught by distinguished faculty dedicated to the undergraduate educational experience
- Writing and communication skills emphasized as a core component of a high-quality liberal arts concentration
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Office Location
Room 133, Krannert Hall of Art and Music